
This website is a space to present some of my personal projects that are open to the public (either source code or published websites).
About me
I am a software developer from Germany.
I do or did these personal projects in my spare time whenever i felt like it.
Since i am doing this for fun, i sometimes drop projects in favor of other ones, or pick up old ones again after some time.
The result is projects in different states, from "experimental" to "quite stable".
If you are interested and have questions about a project feel free to contact me:
Art / Visual / Music
Generate a flowing matrix of characters, like in the Matrix movie.
Visualize music on a highly customizable website.
Games / Tools for games
A set of tools for the game Stormworks: Lua coding IDE, Image painting with lua, vehicle analyzing and more.
Carsa's Commands
A lua based game addon for Stormworks: Build and Rescue. It helps to manage users and the server and also includes a bunch of game improvements. Also includes a vue.js Single Page Application that talks to the script via a node.js proxy server.
Source code
The source code of almost every of my projects is available as git repositories on gitlab.
Every projects page includes a link to it's own git repository.
Privacy and Security
I do not earn money with these pages, i do not send data to third parties (e.g. Google, Ads, Facebook, ...).
The only data recorded when you visit my websites is your IP. No services are used to gather information about this IP.
Usually the IP is deleted from my servers hard drives within 1 week.
Cookies or local storage (on your device) are used on some of my pages. If that is the case, you will receive information about it.
Those cookies are my own cookies, not by third parties. You will always be asked if you want to use them, or not.
Servers are located on a data center in germany.
You can contact me by writing an email to